Sricam IP Camera - User Manual

Products Introduction

Hardware Installation

Before starting setup

Start setup

Step1. Product Connection

Step2. Sricam APP Installation

Step3. Register an APP User Account

Step4. View the Camera on a Smart Phone

Live video stream on smart phone

FAQ1: MicroSD card record and playback setting

FAQ2: How to Setup Motion Detection Alarm

Products Introduction

Hardware Installation

1: Screw the mount on the wall with the two screws Provided.

2: Loosen the thumb screws to adjust the mount to the desired position. Once the position is set, tighten the screws securely.

Before starting setup

Make sure of the following:

- Your router supports the 2.4GHz frequency band (802.11b/g/n).

- Your router DHCP is enabled.

- Your smartphone is connected to the Internet with a WLAN/Wi-Fi that the camera will connect with.

- You know the WLAN/Wi-Fi password.( No special characters in the password and Wi-Fi SSID such as @#$%^&*).

- Your smartphone, camera, and router should be within about 8 feet during setup. After your camera is set up,you can move the camera to your preferred location(the configurations are saved to camera system)

-For Videos of how to setup IP Cameras please visit Website:

Start setup

Step1. Product Connection

Step1-1: Power the IP Camera

Step1-2: Connect the camera to the network.

(Connect the camera to a Router or Switch with a RJ-45 Ethernet cable.)

Step1-3: Reset to default setting (After power on the camera, you hear a clash sound from the camera. The Reset Button of SP020 is next to USB Port)

Step2. Sricam APP Installation

Method 1: Scan the QR code to download the“Sricam” App.

Method 2: Search“Sricam”on Google Play or iOS App Store

Step3. Register an APP User Account

Step4. View the Camera on a Smart Phone (Open the “Sricam”App and follow these steps)

Live video stream on smart phone

Trouble shooting:

-If the IP camera can`t be found in step4-4, please make sure you have done step 1-3 to insert a pin to reset the IP camera and wait for 30 seconds.

-If you experience inconsistent signal,it could be due to 1)too many devices sharing the same internet network.Or 2)the IP camera is too far from the router if using Wi-Fi connection.

-If you fail to setup the Wi-Fi network in step 4-7, please make sure your smart phone is not connecting to a 5G Wi-Fi signal. You can resolve this issue by 1) reconnecting to a non-5G Wi-Fi signal on your smart phone or 2) skip this step and setup the Wi-Fi by going through the steps under “settings”>“Network Setting” on the app.

-For any other quality and setup issues,it is recommended you insert a pin (until you hear a clash sound) to reset the IP camera.

More FAQs:

1. How to restore the camera to factory settings

2. How can I add the camera to my 2nd phone

3. Camera ID, Camera Password, App Account ID and Password

4. How to setup Alarm Record

5. How to watch live streams with ONVIF clients

FAQ1: MicroSD card record and playback setting

1) Insert the microSD card to the camera

2) MicroSD card format and record setting

Log in “Sricam” App and follow the steps:Settings -> Record Setting -> SD card Formatting-> Record Switch

(Note: If you use 64G or 128G SD card can`t recording, you need to format the SD card to FAT32 format on your PC. If the SD card recording is full,it will automatically loop coverage, you do not need to manually delete the video file.)

3) Record Playback(on App)

Log in “Sricam” App and follow the steps: Settings >> Playback

Tap " Playback" for playback the record on MicroSD card,as pictures below (Note: each record is 30 minutes)

FAQ2: How to Setup Motion Detection Alarm

Step1: Enable motion detection alarm

Step1-1: Tap “Settings” button >> “Settings” >> “Alarm setting” be the alarm setting window as pictures FAQ2-1 , FAQ2-2 and FAQ2-3.

Step1-2: Enable “Motion Detection Alarm” and “Alarm Switch” as FAQ2-3

Step2: Choose motion detection alarm notification types

There are 3 types you can choose to get the alarm notification.

· Phone push alarm

Enable “Receive Notifications” then the camera will push notification to your smart phone when an alarm is activated. Push notification account is default as the Sricam app login account. If don’t need this function, you can delete the push account.

· Buzzer alarm

Enable “Buzzer Alarm” then the camera’s buzzer works when an alarm is activated.

· Email Alerts

The alarm notification will send to your designated email address.

Tap " Email Alerts", and fill in the email information as below guide

1. Sender: Please input your email address (e.g.,

2. SMTP server: The server address for the Sender`s email account.

3. Port: Please select 587 or 465 if the SMTP address is, or If not, please select 25.

4. Password: input password

5. Email: Enter up to three receiving email accounts (e.g., you may have both and Marcy@yahoo. com) as picture FAQ2-4 If failed to setup Email Alert, please activate your Gmail or Yahoo Email account

Read also

Sricam CMS Manual - PC Software

Foscam C1, C2 quick installation guide

YI Home Camera quick installation guide


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